
Class 9 fmm notes | Chapter 4 fmm notes | Financial Planning

            What is Financial Planning?  In this chapter, we will discuss 1. Setting Goals 2. Analysing Information 3. Creating a Plan  4. Implementing the Plan  5. Monitoring and Modifying the Plan.  What is Financial Planning?  Planning - is the process of making plan. But when we want to achieve a financial goal, we do financial planning. In which we define goals, develop a plan to achieve them, and putting the plan into action. Like: If you want to buy a car of 4,00,000. You should make a financial plan. You will write that how much savings you have, how much you can earn, how many expenses you can avoid for now, how much money you can borrow from your friends and family, how much money you can invest in banks or stock market etc.  Many people make plan but why there plan is not successful?  Now we will discuss some important factors about how to make a plan.  1. Set Goals: In this part you should decide the goa...

Class 12 FMM Chapter 1 notes | Part -3 | Capital market module | Class 12 Financial Markets Management

  Hello guys these are notes of class 12 FMM, (Capital Market Module). Chapter -1 , Part - 3 Admission Procedure for New Membership 1. Desirous applicant submits application for new membership to membership department.  2. Membership Department will send the application to Membership Recommendation Committee.  3. Membership Recommendation Committee will forward the application to Membership Approval Committee for interview. 4. Membership Approval Committee will forward the application to the membership department, if approved.  5. Membership department will forward offer letter of provisional membership to the individual.  6. Membership department will forward the document to SEBI for registration.  7. SEBI will forward the certificate to membership department for applicant.  8. Membership department will forward SEBI certificate to member.  9. Member will submit enablement document for trading access.  10. Member will be enabled on the tradi...

Class 9 Fmm notes, Chapter 3 | Key Characteristics of Money

 Hello guys these are the notes of chapter 3 of class 9 fmm.  Key Characteristics Of Money Functions of money : 1. Medium of Exchange :  Money brings simplicity and organization to our economy.  Earlier people used medium of exchange like salt, cheese and gold etc. 2. Standard of Value or a unit of Account Money is a common item in which the process of goods and services can fit.  Like : A pen would cost ₹ 5 , is the common standard value of the pen.  3. Store of Value  You can store money anytime and  anywhere.  Suppose you received apples as money and you want to save them, then would you be able to save them for 1 year?  No  Whereas, if you have received ₹100 as money then you can save it for so long period.  Notes of chapter 1 Notes of chapter 2 Money is easy and convenient to save. Therefore instead of commodities, metal coins and paper currency are used as money.  Money simplifies the trading process.  For more ...

Class 11 fmm notes, chapter 2 (Primary and Secondary Market) Part -2

 Hello guys these are the notes of chapter 2 of class 11 fmm.  Class 11 fmm notes chapter 2 (Primary and Secondary Market)  How does one know if share are allotted in IPO/ offer for sale ?What is the time frame for getting a refund if shares not allotted? The basis of allotment should be completed within 8 days from the issue close date. As soon as  allotment is completed within 2 working days the details of credit to demat account needs to be completed.  It takes 11 days from the closure of issue for get to know if shares not alloted. It takes 12 working days to get the shares listed after issue. What is the role of a 'Registrar' to an issue? The registrar finalizes the list of eligible allottees after deleting the invalid applications and ensures that the corporate action for crediting of shares the demat account of the applicant is done. NSE operates a fully automated screen based trading system called NEAT IPO. Part -1 notes of chapter 2   Book building...

Class 11 FMM notes , chapter 2| Primary and Secondary Market notes

Hello guys, these are notes of class 11 FMM (Financial Market Management) . Chapter 2 FMM notes class 11  PRIMARY MARKET  Provides the channel for sale of new securities. provides the opportunities to issuers to raise resources to meet the requirements. For shares original cost of stock shown on the certificate. For Bond it is the an amount paid to the holder at maturity. When a security is sold above its face value it is said to be issued at a premium and  if it is sold at less than its face value then it is said to be issued at a discount. Why do companies need to issue shares to the public? borrowings from banks may not be sufficient for setting the business over the long term  so companies invite the public to contribute and issue shares to individual investors. When the shares of a company are offered to 50 or more investors it  is known as  public issue. When the shares of a company are offered to 49 or less than 49 investors it is known as  priv...

Class 9 fmm notes , class 9 fmm | Chapter 2

 Hello guys these are the notes of chapter 2 of class 9 fmm. (Financial Markets Management) . • Money is anything that is commonly accepted by a group of people for the exchange of goods, services or resources. • People were busy worrying about survival - food, clothing, shelter etc.  • Barter system - exchange of commodities for commodities. •• Specialization - people become more skilled and can produce more things. For full explanation, Click here.  Through specialization people's skills improved enabling each person, and hence the society, to produce more things of better quality.  •• Trade - buying and selling of products and services is called trade. •• Surplus is beyond your personal and household needs. Then the surplus is used in trading in order to acquire the goods and services produced by others.  • If the surplus is more , then the individual will have more potential to acquire the goods and services.  Notes of chapter -1 .  •• Wheel of...

Class -10 Fmm Notes | Financial markets management class 10, Chapter - 4 | Secondary Market (Part -1)

  Secondary market? A market where securities are traded after being initially offered to public in the Primary market and listed on the stock exchange. Role of secondary market? Provides an efficient platform for trading in securities. Facilitates value enhancing control activities for management of company. Enabling implementation of incentive based management contracts. Difference between primary and secondary market? The primary market provides the channel for sale of new securities while secondary market deals in securities previously issued. Role of st ock exchange in buying and selling shares? Stock exchange is a regulatory authority(Securities and exchange Board of India ) in India. It provides a platform where buyers and sellers can meet to transact in securities. For video explanation, click here  Demutualisation of stock exchanges? It means dividing the legal structure of an exchange in different sets having ownership, management and trading rights with different gr...