Financial Markets Management Class -10 Chapter -1 Notes

Hello guys, these are the notes of Chapter 1 (Investment) of FMM, Class 10 . Investment When we use savings in order to get return on it in future. This is called investment . Why should one invest? To earn return on resources To generate specified sum of money for future For uncertain future Inflation Inflation is the rate at which the cost of living increases. Handwritten Notes for class 10 FMM When to start investing? Invest early , regularly and for long term Guys if you want to have a detailed explanation of chapter 1 , you can also refer my channel on YouTube (Be the topper). What care should one take while investing? Obtain written document. Read and understand them. Verify the legality of the investment. Find out costs and benefit. Assess risk-return profile. Know the liquidity. Compare the details with earlier investment. Deal only through an authorised intermediary . Interest Interest - Amount charged to the borrower for the...